Dr. Zich operates a personalized healthcare program that empowers people to reach their health and wellness goals through in-depth knowledge, expertise and one-on-one consultation in the Chicago area. With memberships starting at $1,500 per year, you become one of a few exclusive patients who receive the highest levels of personalized care to help transform your life into a healthier one.
Unparalleled Access
Same day appointments
24/7 access to Dr. Zich by phone, text, or email
Dr. Zich will monitor you closely, in the emergency department or the hospital
No answering service or no transfers to voice mail
Personalized Attention
Unlimited and extended visits with ample time to discuss your concerns
Limited patient membership to ensure a high level of attention
Professional, responsive and caring office staff
Coordination of Care
Facilitation when necessary of specialist visits and diagnostic testing
Coordination of care with out-of-state physicians at your second place of residence
Dr. Zich personally consults with your specialists when needed
Old-Fashioned Medicine Meets State-of-the-Art Technology
A health assessment and complete physical exam available annually
Electronic medical records for prompt, legible, and secure information
Encrypted email for private communication with Dr. Zich and his staff